Patricia's Pages
My Birth Opinions and Other Stuff

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          My Musings

Feed the Mother

Rest during Labor

Birth's Most Dangerous Enemy

The Missing Link

A Rant on Choice

The Chemical Symphony of Birth

She Could Have Died

Innocent Ignorance

Can you Homebirth in a Hospital

I Can Do It

A Father's Affirmation

Pregnancy Affirmation

Ode to An Epidural

Ode To A Home Birth

Little Wonder

These are article, poems and opinions that I have created when the children have been asleep and when all is queit. Well I should say that sometimes inspiration comes when the house is also in an uproar and I *just* have to get the words out of my head. Some of this stuff is littlered all over the web (my thanks to my supporters).

You are free to use this material as is. Please use it in it's entirety if you do use it. If you do place my writting could you please email me and let me know. I love to go and see where my stuff pops up. If it is in newsletter I would love to see it as well. Again just email me and I will reciprocate with an issue of our local "Birthing" magazine.