Patricia's Pages
Patricia's Profile
Who Am I
(A bit of a blurb about me.) Who am I? Well I guess I'm the biggest birth junkie
going. I am also a wife, mother of three, Certified Perinatal Nurse (RN), Vice-President of the Canadian Childbirth
Association, Birth Educator, Doula, Lay Breastfeeding Counselor, Writer of birth advocacy articles, and a lousy house keeper.
I'm am totally amazed that I made it thirty years into my life not knowing a whole heck of a lot about this incredibly wonderful
thing called birth. When I saw my first
birth I was so disturbed I believed that cesarean birth was the way to go. I can be quoted saying..."on the first contraction,
knock me out, cut me open and wake me when it's over". Needless to say that, though the event was incredible to behold, it
horrified me. The mother had labored in a two bed labor room and was transferred to a surgical suite for the birth. This was
a typical birth in this hospital. This was in 1988.
Fast forward to 1994. My next viewed birth was
a second time mom. I counted no less than seven wires or tubes attached to her body. I was privileged to be able to add an
eighth attachment, her urinary catheter. (Today we have one more we can add, the intra-uterine pressure catheter...but I digress!).
The baby was born via vacuum extraction and came out blue. A respiratory code was called and baby was rushed off to the NICU
for observation. I left that birth with a sour taste in my mouth. I began to have questions as to why someone would purposely
risk their child for pain free birth. I was hooked on birth though. I graduated my diploma nursing after doing a two month
rotation in labor and delivery. I loved it!!! Fast forward, August
1995, I birth my first child. Labor was incredible. Completely intervention free. November 1996, I have discovered the midwife
and birth faith, my second child is born at home. March 2000, I birth my third child, a diagnosed incomplete breech, vaginally
and in hospital (and against the on-call doctor's advice that my baby is huge and I need a cesarean). We leave the hospital
4 hours after her birth (read Angela's Birth) During all this time I have educated myself about birth and what makes
birth go wrong. I actively communicate this to the expectant parents I meet in life. My goal in life is to be an internation
speaker on pregnacy, birth and newborn care issues. Everyday I work towards this goal. Well that is it for now. ........enjoy the rest of the site