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My Journey Into Me: A Journal of Pregnancy and Birth

Entry one: February 19, 2003

The beginning of life for every family is steeped in wonder and joy for the most part. Our family had grown to a size that was comfortable and I had been struggling with the desire to have one more child grow in me. Read more


Entry two: March 17, 2003

The moon is full tomorrow. It laughs at me and shines on me at the same time. Four moons ago I looked at it and made reference to a pregnancy that is now a reality. The moon laughs at me. Read more.


Entry Three: April 17th, 2003

My belly is as round as the full moon that peaks out at me from behind the spring rain clouds. Read more


Entry Four: May 15, 2003

Tonight the full moon should glide across the sky, and for a small amount of time due to the eclipse, it will be blood red in color. There are some clouds that might obscure the sight, but that does not mean that the full moon does not exist. Read more.


Jouranl Entry #5: June 14, 2003

Last night as I drove home after having tea and cheesecake with my sister and best friend, I saw the moon in it’s full glory. The type of moon that is large and tinged orange, casting bright light over the city. How wondrous a moon such as this is to behold. Read more


Journal Entry #6: June 26, 2003

Most of my journal writings have been about events that have been going on with my life. Which has been great!…I can’t complain about 90% of it.. The other 10% well, we can’t all have a rosy life all the time. Read more


Journal entry #7: July 15, 2003

The full moon of July has come and gone. I watched it wax through a magnificent display of fire works two nights before it was full. Over the next two days I focused on how I feel at this point of the pregnancy. Many thoughts, feelings and emotions certainly came to mind. The melody of life has a different tune now that I have become "great with baby(ies)". The tune is slow and sluggish, dragging through the chorus of the day. I welcome each and every nap, each and every night as I rest my head and HUGE body down so that much needed sleep can over come me and I can escape this clumsy frame that I carry every day. Read more


Journal Entry #8: August 12, 2003

This is my date. Not my "due date", but the one I have been looking at for months long. As I have let my eyes linger on the moon these many months I have become spell bound. Believing that these babies would make an appearance with the moon. And why not? My blood flows when the moon ripens. It would be natural to think that this phenomenon would come to be.  Read more


August 21,  2003

I posted at 10:19 AM yesterday that I thought that "this was it."

Amy (6 3/4 pounds) was born vertex in the water at 12:13 PM (yes that is less than 45 minutes later!)

Nichole (6 1/2 pounds) born breech at 12:22 PM

I'm shocky and stunned. Read the story Here


Journal Entry #9: September 11, 2003

The full moon has passed me by like a ship in the night. I am actually amazed. I have been watching that orb for so long and knew I would be writing this last journal on this day. The sun shines brightly this morning after the full moon night. It shines on my lovely girls who turned three weeks on the 10th of September, the same day my husband and I shared our marriage vows 9 years ago.  Read more

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